Revenue Loss Analysis due to Unbalanced Loading in Power Distribution Network


  • Edohen O.M , Ike, S.A & Okhumeode, M.E


Unbalance loading in power distribution network has continued to pose
a great threat to the electricity grid system due to phase load inequality,
especially where large single–phase loads are used. The network
configuration and length also have effects on the voltage unbalance in
the feeder. In low voltage residential feeders, majority of the houses have
single–phase power supply. This research focused on finding the revenue
loss on JBS 1 Estate 11/0.415kV sub-station. Using direct calculation on
established formulas, the values of the unbalance voltages and current
were calculated using the real time field data obtained during the period
under investigation. It was observed that the highest voltage unbalance
of 4.13% was recorded in the month of May while low voltage unbalance
figure of 1.05% was recorded in the month of January as depicted in
Table 2 and Figure 1 respectively. The research further revealed that the
annual revenue loss on JBS 1 Sub-station is quite high during the period
under investigation which amounted to N4,688,759.90 (four million, six
hundred and eighty-eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty-nine naira,
ninety kobo) which is predicted to be a high revenue loss to the utility




How to Cite

Edohen O.M , Ike, S.A & Okhumeode, M.E. (2020). Revenue Loss Analysis due to Unbalanced Loading in Power Distribution Network. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 2(1). Retrieved from


