Characterization of Three Selected Timber Species According to BS 5268 (2002), EN 338 (2009) & NCP 2 (1973)


  • Adediji, O.C Nigerian Defence Academy
  • Wilson, U.N; Mohammed, I.S



This study primarily focuses on establishing strength classes for three indigenous Northern Nigerian timber species—Mangifera indica, Terminalia catappa, and Phoenix dactylifera by characterising and grading them in accordance with BS 5268 (2002), EN 338 (2009) and NCP 2 (1973), with the aim of possibly reducing overreliance on commonly used timber species. The research involved laboratory experiments to assess physical and mechanical properties, followed by classification into specific strength classes using the bending stress, density, and modulus of elasticity. After characterisation and grading, Mangifera indica, Terminalia catappa, and Phoenix dactylifera were assigned to strength classes C35, C35, and C14 respectively, according to BS 5268-2 (2002). According to NCP 2 (1973), the timber species were assigned to strength classes N5, N5, and N7 in the same order. The samples were also assigned to strength classes C30, D30, and C14 respectively, according to EN 338 (2009). Results show that Mangifera indica and Phoenix dactylifera are softwoods offering potential applications in boat-making, light construction formwork and furniture works while Terminalia catappa is a hardwood which is applicable for roofing materials, and general construction. These classes would help architects, engineers, and builders select the appropriate timber species for various uses and reduce their over reliance on the commonly used timber species like teak, iroko and oak




How to Cite

Adediji, O.C, & Wilson, U.N; Mohammed, I.S. (2023). Characterization of Three Selected Timber Species According to BS 5268 (2002), EN 338 (2009) & NCP 2 (1973). NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 5(4).


