Microstructural and Mineralogical Analysis of Weak Erodible Soil for Gully Site Study and Solutions


  • Kennedy Onyelowe , Eze Onukwugha , Bunyamin Salahudeen , Adrian Eberemu , Richard Udeala , Charles Ezugwu , Duc Bui Van , Ifeoma Jideofor , Talal Amhadi, Uzoma Iro


Microstructural Analysis; Weak Erodible Soil; Soil Detachment; Soil Displacement; Erosion Prone Site; X-Ray Diffractometer; Scanning Electron Microscopy


The microstructure and mineralogy pattern of the two major erosion sites
in Abia State has been studied using the X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) methods to examine the
morphology and minerals abundant in the watershed. This is due to the
danger the people of these areas are faced with regarding the rate and
magnitude of gully development in that area. The results have shown that
the flacked and flattened microstructure of the studied eroded soil
contribute majorly to the rate of dispersion due to plastic deformation.
Secondly, the minerals composition is such to increase the acidity of the
soil in the studied region, which contributes to swelling action. Again, the
traces of sodium in the morphological and mineralogical composition
contribute also to swelling and this is due to rain pressure during rain
and runoff. It is suggested that the soils surface of the erosion sites be
treated and stabilized to improve on its strengthening abilities.




How to Cite

Kennedy Onyelowe , Eze Onukwugha , Bunyamin Salahudeen , Adrian Eberemu , Richard Udeala , Charles Ezugwu , Duc Bui Van , Ifeoma Jideofor , Talal Amhadi, Uzoma Iro. (2019). Microstructural and Mineralogical Analysis of Weak Erodible Soil for Gully Site Study and Solutions. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 1(3). Retrieved from https://journals.nipes.org/index.php/njstr/article/view/63


