A Theoretical Report on Electronic Polarizability of Metals


  • Adesakin G. E., Edema, O. G., Akinbolusere, A. O. and G. O. Okocha




This paper reports the electronic polarizability of some metals from different groups and periods. The study revealed that electronic polarizability of metals increases as the electron density parameters increases. This could be due to high ratio of valence electron in metals to their number of atoms. Electronic polarizability of metals increases with an increase in electron density parameter because the outer shells electrons in multi-electronic atoms are less bonded to the nuclei having a higher contribution to electronic polarizability. These results indicate that free electron theory formalism is useful for theoretical calculation of some properties of metals as the electronic polarizabilities obtained in this work agreed quite well with the theoretically obtained experimental value. Electronic polarizability of all metals computed and studied increases as strain increases due to an increase in surface area, ionization energy, atomic radius and increase in distance between interacting electrons. 




How to Cite

Adesakin G. E., Edema, O. G., Akinbolusere, A. O. and G. O. Okocha. (2023). A Theoretical Report on Electronic Polarizability of Metals. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8020889


