Production of Local Soap Using Alkali Derived from Mango and Plantain Peel
Local soap was produced using mango and plantain peels as an active ingredient. The mango and plantain peels are agricultural-wastes matter that litter the environment. This study made use of mango and plantain peel ashes as a cheap alternative source of alkali that is much needed in soap making. The agricultural waste materials were burnt and the ashes were used to prepare a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH), which was heated alongside palm kernel oil (PKO) until soap was formed. The quality of the soap was assessed thus: The colour:dark-brown, the texture: soft, the foamability: good, the foam size: small, and Foam stability: stable. The physicochemical parameters of the soap were also assessed thus; Total Fatty Matter: 62.42%, Total Free Alkali: 6.40%, Free Caustic Alkali: 2.97%, Wash Active Substance: 34.98%, and pH: 10.02. These assessments revealed that the alkali derived from mango and plantain peels is a good and cheap active ingredient for soap production. The exploitation of alkali derived from agricultural waste materials for the making of soap is worthwhile. This would also prevent environmental pollution by these waste materials that might potentially cause harm to the populace, and also reduce over dependence on synthetic alkali for soap production and also provide an alternative source of income