GSM Value Added Services (VAS) Provision from Intelligent Network (IN) Platform Through GSM-IN Integration


  • Henry E. Amhenrior, Braimoh A. Ikharo



This work presents a review and initiates a concept to provide Value
Added Services (VAS) for Global System for Mobile Communication
(GSM) from Intelligent Network (IN) platform through the integration
of GSM and IN networks. Also, it is to enable service providers
achieve service independence from the switch vendors and rapid
service creation in the ever evolving mobile communication market.
In this approach, the existing GSM and IN networks were reviewed
and the findings show that both GSM and IN core Networks use
Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) signaling for Mobile Application Part
(MAP) and Intelligent Network Application Part (INAP) protocols
respectively. Based on this, an integration of the two networks is
suggested by absorbing MAP into INAP and VAS provision and
management moved from the GSM to IN nodes. Then, the GSM
mobility and VAS procedures transformed to fit into IN Service
Independent Building Block (SIB) architecture. The result of this is
that VAS could be provided as an IN service for GSM. This will
promote true multi-vendor operation in a network.




How to Cite

Henry E. Amhenrior, Braimoh A. Ikharo. (2022). GSM Value Added Services (VAS) Provision from Intelligent Network (IN) Platform Through GSM-IN Integration. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4(3).


