Optimization for Enhanced Phase Separation and Purification of Tropical Almond Oil Biodiesel System Using Response Surface Methodology


  • Adama, Kennedy Kenneth




In the present study, the extract phase components of tropical almond
oil biodiesel ternary mixture were investigated using response surface
methodology under different process conditions. The parameters
employed were temperature (°C), withdrawal time (min), and phase
component composition (mg/mL). Second-order polynomial
regression model was used to predict the response and determine the
variables at which optimized outputs were obtained thus predicting
the best model for enhancing the extract phase component separation
and purification. Firstly, experiments were performed according to
central composite design. The model predicted is quadratic with
optimal temperatures and time intervals for extract phase separation
and purification achieved at: 60 °C, 18 mins, 60 °C, 6 mins, and 30
°C, 14 for tropical almond oil biodiesel, methanol, and glycerol
components respectively. The prediction measurements at the optimal
conditions were: coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.98126, adjusted
coefficient of determination, adj. R2 = 0.9510, root mean square error
(RMSE) = 0.016529, sum of square error (SSE) = 0.037704. This
study provides a green approach for enhanced phase separation and
purification of biodiesel to meet future renewable energy demand.




How to Cite

Adama, Kennedy Kenneth. (2022). Optimization for Enhanced Phase Separation and Purification of Tropical Almond Oil Biodiesel System Using Response Surface Methodology. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.37933/nipes/4.3.2022.7


