Studies with Selected Phytochemical Constituents of Vernonia Amygdalina Leaves and Influence of Processing and Storage


  • Dibie N. Edward and Esther C. Dibie



This work entailed in part, qualitative determinations of flavonoids,
eugenols, steroids, and terpenoids constituents of processed and
unprocessed Vernonia amygdalina leaves, quantitative investigations
of the responses of flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids and anthocyanins
constituents of Vernonia amygdalina leaves to sun drying and grating
as processing methods, as well as the study of the influence of storage
on the phytochemicals examined. Storage facilities were the open
laboratory and at selected water activities (aw), all at ambient
conditions. Vernonia amygdalina Leaves samples used in this study
were obtained from some markets in Benin City. Storage duration was
two months. The various investigations carried out in this work were
done using standard methods. Qualitative tests results indicated the
presence of the phytochemicals examined in the various solvents
extracts. Variations were however observed in their levels of
occurrence. Quantitative results obtained for the phytochemicals
examined in raw Vernonia amygdalina leaves were: flavonoids
(1.62±0.20mg/g), steroids (1.15±0.37mg/g), anthocyanins
(0.57±0.12mg/g), and terpenoids (0.02±0.01mg/g). Processing and
storage treatments led to increase in the values of the phytochemicals
examined. The noted increase were statistically significant (P<0.05)
with respect to storage conditions. It is hoped that handlers and users
of Vernonia amygdalina leaves would find this work relevant.




How to Cite

Dibie N. Edward and Esther C. Dibie. (2022). Studies with Selected Phytochemical Constituents of Vernonia Amygdalina Leaves and Influence of Processing and Storage. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4(2).


