Smart Energy Saver System for Home Appliances


  • Oriaifo A. P. and Elaigwu V. O



This study presents a smart energy saver system design that
saves energy by coordinating the manner of use of electrical
appliances and devising a means of reducing the need for
human intervention in the control of electrical appliances in
a building. In most developing countries like Nigeria, the
demand for electrical energy outweighs the supply and with
the recent increase in electricity tariff, there is an urgent need
to efficiently regulate power consumption to reduce its
overbearing cost effect. The system uses an ATMEGA328P
microcontroller that utilizes a Grid-EYE sensor to detect
occupants’ presence either in motion or static. The system
also incorporates a light-dependent resistor (LDR) and
temperature sensor to determine ambient lighting and
ambient temperature respectively. The results of these sensors
determine the state of the appliances connected to the system
which is either switched on or off through a relay. The results
show that the Grid-EYE sensor is only sensitive to a distance
within four metres and a human temperature of 27oC.
Whereas the light intensity response of the system was as
expected—triggers a switch off command when the room is
bright and otherwise when the room is dark.




How to Cite

Oriaifo A. P. and Elaigwu V. O. (2022). Smart Energy Saver System for Home Appliances. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4(2).


