A Conceptual Examination of Computer Networking Using Wireless Network


  • Nwelih, E. and Oghenekaro, L. U.




Computer industry has made spectacular progress in short time.
During the first two decades of their existence. Computer systems
were highly centralized, usually within the single large room. The
merging of computers and communications has had a profound
influence on the way computer systems are organized. The old model
of a single computer serving all of the organization computational
need has been replaced with a large number of separate but
interconnected computers to do the job and these are called computer
network [1]. The study is based on computer networking using
wireless network. The study aims to provide an overview of
computer networking with more emphasis on wireless networks,
while covering all the types of wireless network that exists, including
their structure and components. The research information and data
was elicited from residents of Ovia North East Local Government,
Edo State as a case study due to easy assessment. This study was
conducted to critically examine the concept of computer networking
using wireless network. The study delved into the concept and
structure of computer networking and wireless network. The study
also critically assessed connection types in computer networking,
organizational computational methods, network security and
surveillance. The findings revealed wireless network constitute
security threats in computer networking.




How to Cite

Nwelih, E. and Oghenekaro, L. U. (2022). A Conceptual Examination of Computer Networking Using Wireless Network. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.37933/nipes/4.1.2022.27


