Design and Fabrication of a Journal Bearing Test Rig for Pressure and Temperature Variation Evaluation


  • Ejiroghene Kelly Orhorhoro, Andrew Amagbor Erameh , Tele Blessing



Journal bearings are certainly considered one among the important
shafting elements used in the industries. Therefore, a prototype test
rig was designed to facilitate experimental studies for journal
bearing pressure variation, and temperature variation. The test rig
consisted of oil tank/pan, manometer, thermometer, frame, base
plate, electric motor, drive shaft, journal bearing assembly, etc.
Several test trials were conducted, with the goal of verifying that the
theoretical mathematical outcomes derived were in complete
accordance with the experimental results of pressure variation. Also,
analysis was carried out on the rotational speed, radial bearing load,
pressure variation, temperature variation due to heat generated, heat
dissipated, and amount of artificial cooling. The results obtain
showed that average experimental pressure 1045.29 N/m2 was found
to be harmonious with theoretical pressure 1045.25 N/m2
. Besides,
an average 13.165 watts of heat was dissipated from the test rig, thus,
a minimal amount of artificial cooling (26.926 watts) is required. It
was equally observed that the journal bearing speed is directly
proportional to the generated pressure. Similarly, as the speed
increased, the generated pressure and operating temperature of the
journal bearing increases as well.




How to Cite

Ejiroghene Kelly Orhorhoro, Andrew Amagbor Erameh , Tele Blessing. (2022). Design and Fabrication of a Journal Bearing Test Rig for Pressure and Temperature Variation Evaluation. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4(1).


