Effects of Allanblackia Floribunda Stem-Bark on Modulations of Calcium and Mitochondrial DNA in Crude Oil Stress


  • Olubodun, S. O ., Osagie, O. A. and Aguebor-Ogie, N. B




The effects of Allanblackia floribunda stem-bark on calcium (Ca2+)
and mitochondrial DNA (mt.DNA) concentrations in male Wistar
rats exposed to crude oil were examined. The aqueous extract (AE)
and ethanol extract (EE) were obtained by extracting the stem-bark
of A. floribunda with water and ethanol (EE). Thirty male Wistar rats
were distributed into five groups at random, with five rats belonging
to each group over the fourteen-day trial. The results showed that
when 5.0 (ml/kg bw) crude oil was orally administered to the rats, it
resulted in a considerable rise (p < 0.05) in mt.DNA when equated
to the values from the control group, but a significant decrease (p <
0.05) in Ca2+ concentration when compared to the control values. On
the other hand, when the values are compared to the values of the
control group, the group that received only A. floribunda stem-bark
extracts showed no significant (p > 0.05) difference in Ca2+ and
mtDNA. The comparison with the control values shows that the rats
that received crude oil and A. floribunda extracts at the same time
had a non-significant (p > 0.05) change in Ca2+ and mt.DNA
concentrations. The considerable changes found in the crude oil-only
group suggest that crude oil may have triggered unscheduled
production of mt.DNA, resulting in regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+
sequestration and, as a result, decreased Ca2+
input into the
cytoplasm. The non-significant (p > 0.05) changes seen could be
attributable to A. floribunda's antioxidant properties. While crude oil
alters Ca2+ and mt.DNA concentrations in the rat's liver, treatment
with stem-bark extracts preserved Ca2+ and mt.DNA concentrations
in the liver relative to control values. Because of the potential
therapeutic and antioxidant role of A. floribunda in crude oil stress,
the study implies that rats treated with crude oil and A. floribunda
stem-bark extracts may be protected from cell damage.




How to Cite

Olubodun, S. O ., Osagie, O. A. and Aguebor-Ogie, N. B. (2022). Effects of Allanblackia Floribunda Stem-Bark on Modulations of Calcium and Mitochondrial DNA in Crude Oil Stress. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.37933/nipes/4.1.2022.12


