Ratio Estimators for Estimating Population Mean Using Tri-mean, Median and Quartile Deviation of Auxiliary Variable


  • J.O. Muili, A. Audu , A.B. Odeyale , and I.O. Olawoyin


In this paper, we proposed improved ratio estimators of Nasir’s finite
population mean using information of the linear combination of the
values of tri-mean
TM 
, quartile deviation
and median
Md 
of auxiliary variable. The bias and mean square errors (MSEs) of the
proposed estimators have been obtained up to first order of
approximation using Taylor’s Series Expansion and the conditions for
their efficiencies over some existing estimators have been established.
The numerical illustration was also conducted to corroborate the
theoretical results. The results of the empirical study show that the
proposed estimators are more efficient than existing estimators.




How to Cite

J.O. Muili, A. Audu , A.B. Odeyale , and I.O. Olawoyin. (2019). Ratio Estimators for Estimating Population Mean Using Tri-mean, Median and Quartile Deviation of Auxiliary Variable. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journals.nipes.org/index.php/njstr/article/view/26


