A Wireless Sensor Network Based Automated Water Pump Control System for Multiple Overhead Water Tanks


  • Edoghogho Olaye, Bash Benshark Haruna, Eguagie Evbuomwan




This paper presents the design and implementation of a wireless
sensor network based automated water pump control system to
monitor and control the level of water in heterogeneous
configurations of overhead water tanks. The purpose of the research
was to solve the problems of energy wastage, water wastage and
water pollution caused by inadequate human supervision and
management of overhead water tanks in residential areas. The
system was designed to have units for water level sensing, water
pump interfacing, display, valve control and communication. A
wireless sensor network (WSN) with central node placed close to the
water pump and sensor nodes positioned close to the water tanks was
designed. A PIC16F863A microcontroller was used to implement the
control of the nodes while wireless communication between nodes
was achieved using HT12E and HT12D RF modules. The SIM900
GSM module was used to transmit status of the pump and water level
from the WSN nodes to a remote mobile phone via SMS. The
prototype developed was shown to effectively determine the level of
water for each tank and automatically turn ON or OFF the water
pump accordingly. The state of the water pump at every point in time
and other outputs of the system could be accessed onsite using an
LCD screen and remotely through an SMS to the mobile phone of the




How to Cite

Edoghogho Olaye, Bash Benshark Haruna, Eguagie Evbuomwan. (2021). A Wireless Sensor Network Based Automated Water Pump Control System for Multiple Overhead Water Tanks. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.37933/nipes/3.3.2021.11


