Response Surface Modelling of an Automobile Brake Pad Made from a New-Fangled Composite Material


  • Nwogu, C.U and Osarenmwinda, J.O.



This study focused on the response surface modelling of an
automobile brake pad made from a new-fangled composite material.
The developed brake pad was made from the mixture of cow bone,
binder (Epoxy and hardener) Abrasive (iron fillings) and filler
(Calcium carbonate) which were mixed till a homogenous mixture
was obtained. The properties of the brake evaluated in this study
were, hardness, compressive strength, water absorption, tensile
strength, coefficient of friction, wear rate, and density respectively.
The mixture design and the response surface methodology (RSM)
were used to optimize the effects of the interaction of cow bone,
epoxy, hardener, iron fillings, and calcium carbonate on the
developed brake pad. Models were formulated to predict hardness,
compressive strength, coefficient of friction, wear rate, and density
using response surface modelling. A desirability of 0.91 was obtained
which shows the adequacy of the model terms. The models were then
validated using coefficient of determination R2
. The coefficient of
determination (R2
) obtained ranged from 0.9213, (92.13%) to 0.98.1,
(98.1%) which indicates that a substantial good fit was achieved by
the models developed. The values obtained from the validation of
these models were therefore found to be satisfactory, and shows good
predictability of the model.




How to Cite

Nwogu, C.U and Osarenmwinda, J.O. (2021). Response Surface Modelling of an Automobile Brake Pad Made from a New-Fangled Composite Material. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(3).


