Distribution System Enhancement Using Optimal Capacitor Placements


  • F. O. Agbontaen and N.S. Idiagi




Nigeria is experiencing serious challenges in its power sector. From
inadequate generation capacity to weak transmission and distribution
systems characterized by a huge amount of line losses and poor
voltage profile, it seems the nation still has a long way to go. Efforts
should be put in place by relevant authorities to improve the power
sector. With the distribution network being the closest to the final
consumer, efforts should be made to make it more efficient. This study
therefore aims at improving the performance of poor distribution
network using capacitors optimally placed and sized in the network.
The Iyowa community 11/0.415 kV distribution network in Ovia
North-East Local Government Area in Edo State, Nigeria was used as
a case study. Relevant data collected from Benin Electricity
Distribution Company (BEDC) was used to carry out load flow study
on the network using Newton-Raphson iteration technique in ETAP
16.0 environment to ascertain the overall performance of the network
under base loading condition. The Loss Sensitivity Analysis was used
to determine the candidate buses for optimal capacitor banks
placements while the Optimal Capacitor Placement (OCP) tool in
ETAP 16.0 software was used to size the capacitor banks. Load flow
analysis was then repeated on the enhanced network. It was observed
that of the 18 buses in the original (uncompensated) network, only the
Ora load bus with a voltage magnitude of 95% fell within the statutory
voltage limit. When the compensation was done, the voltage profile of
the network improved considerably. Only the goldland and Iyowa load
buses with 93.76% and 93.89% voltage magnitudes respectively,
violated the statutory voltage limit. The network obviously needs
adequate compensation for a better overall performance




How to Cite

F. O. Agbontaen and N.S. Idiagi. (2021). Distribution System Enhancement Using Optimal Capacitor Placements. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.37933/nipes/3.3.2021.5


