Assessment of Water Supply Challenges in Selected Communities of Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria


  • Andy Obinna Ibeje



The challenges facing water supply in Orji, Nigeria were assessed in
this study coupled with information from water officials, a survey of
100 households were carried out in the study area. For the fieldwork,
a total of 12 communities was selected about 80 questionnaires were
administered in each of the community. Also, statistical techniques
were used for the analysis of the data obtained from the field. The
data were presented in the form of frequency tables, histograms, bar
graphs, pie charts and time series graph. About 95% of those
interviewed mentioned 1 to 2 days in a week as the duration that
water flows from the taps, while the households that indicated
problems with the water supply system in the area were 95%. About
4% of them indicated absence of problems, but about 17% were
indecisive. Those who mentioned 1 to 2 days as the main days that
water flows from the taps were about 93%. 94% (14% + 29% + 28%
+ 23%) of the respondents gets access to water within 200 meters
radius. The fast expansion of the township, which the little old
existing pipelines could not support, was viewed as one of the major
causes of the water scarcity in the area by 81% of the respondents.
The water shortage in the area was reported by a large percentage
(86%) of the households to retard progress in all domestic and
commercial activities in many ways.




How to Cite

Andy Obinna Ibeje. (2021). Assessment of Water Supply Challenges in Selected Communities of Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(1).


