Numerical Optimization of Carbon Content Equivalent in Heat Affected Zone of Mild Steel Welds


  • Apaemi, S ; Achebo, J.I ; Ozigagun, A



The minimization of carbon content percentage in low carbon steel
welding was investigated in this study, the optimized welding
experiment was done and the carbon content observed was measured
and recorded alongside the values of the process parameters. The
optimal model was developed based on certain statistical tests, such
as goodness of fit, analysis of variance, cooks distance and plot of
residual. The ANOVA result showed that the model is very
significant; because it has a p- value that is less than 0.005 and the
model was observed to be very fit with R-square values of about 95
%. In this study a numerical optimal model to control carbon content
percentage in tungsten inert gas welding of low carbon steel has been
achieved. This study reveals that current has strong influence on the
carbon content percentage. The model’s adequacy was tested and
showed satisfactory results, however enabling the model to explain
the interaction between the process factors and responses and also
to minimize the carbon content




How to Cite

Apaemi, S ; Achebo, J.I ; Ozigagun, A. (2021). Numerical Optimization of Carbon Content Equivalent in Heat Affected Zone of Mild Steel Welds. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(1).


