Assessing Surface Water Quality in Phong Dien District, Can Tho City, Vietnam


  • Nguyen Thanh Giao and Le Thi Diem Mi



The study aimed to assess the variation of surface water quality in the
water bodies in Phong Dien district, Can Tho city, Vietnam. Data
were collected in 2019 at 5 locations in the district, namely My Khanh
(MK), Phong Dien (PD), Giai Xuan (GX), Truong Long (TL) and Vam
Sang market (VS). The samples were collected in the dry and rainy
seasons, each collection period was performed at low and high tide.
Surface water quality was evaluated using 12 water quality
parameters belonging to the group of physical, biological and
chemical parameters including pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen
(DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand
(COD), total suspended solids (TSS), ammonium (NH4
-N), nitrite
-N), nitrate (NO3
-N), orthophosphate (PO4
-P), iron (Fe),
coliform. Water quality was compared with the national technical
regulation on surface water quality QCVN 08-MT: 2015/BTNMT
(column A1). The results showed that the study area had organic
pollution (high BOD and COD), microorganisms. Nutrient
parameters were still within the allowable limits of QCVN 08-MT:
2015/BTNMT. The concentration of nutrients and organic matter in
the dry season at low tide was higher than that in the rainy season in
high tide. Coliform were only detected at low time sampling period.
The source of organic and microbiological pollution was mainly from
domestic and animal husbandry wastes discharged directly into the
water environment by the households. The results revealed that
surface water quality in the water bodies in Phong Dien district, Can
Tho city was no longer suitable for domestic needs. The environmental
managers need urgent solutions, for example solid waste and
wastewater collection and treatment systems, to solve the problem of
surface water pollution.




How to Cite

Nguyen Thanh Giao and Le Thi Diem Mi. (2021). Assessing Surface Water Quality in Phong Dien District, Can Tho City, Vietnam. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 3(1).


