Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Biodiesel Produced via Transesterification of Commercial Vegetable (Soya Bean) Oil


  • Osarumwense, J. O ., Ebo, N ., Omorodion, N. T. and Owie, C. I.



The search for alternative and renewable fuels has increased
globally in recent times owing to the increasing pressure to reduce
greenhouse gas. In this work, biodiesel was produced from soya bean
oil via transesterification with methanol in the presence of catalyst
(sodium hydroxide). The biodiesel was purified adopting the wet
purification method. The clean biodiesel was characterised by
determining some physico-chemical parameters such as density,
flash point, viscosity, free fatty acid (FFA), cloud point, pour point,
saponification value and cetane number. The results obtained show
that most of the parameters tested fell within the standard ranges as
specified by the ASTM. D6751 and EN 14214. The transesterification
of soya bean oil has significantly reduced the viscosity, acid value
and flash point of the oil by 66.4%, 71.6% and 55.7% respectively.
The cetane number was however on the higher range of the standard
values; this is an indication that the biodiesel has a good fuel ignition
property. It is therefore ascertained that the biodiesel from soya bean
oil is a viable alternative to petroleum diesel, since all the quality
parameters are within the standard values.




How to Cite

Osarumwense, J. O ., Ebo, N ., Omorodion, N. T. and Owie, C. I. (2020). Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Biodiesel Produced via Transesterification of Commercial Vegetable (Soya Bean) Oil. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 2(3).


