Contributing Impact of Climate Change on Sustainability of Bio-Degradable Material-Adaptation of Alternative Measures


  • Oludaisi Adekomaya



Containment of climate change requires a holistic approach from
industrial players as experts face daunting challenges emanating from
material use and reclamation. In view of effect of materials on
environment, as revealed by non-recyclability of synthetic materials,
this paper appraises existing climate change management options and
proffer sustainable idea on mitigation of impact of climate change in
most countries of the world. Water level are now rising with attendant
loss in micro-structural base, couple with high temperature
occasioned by depletion of ozone layer. Floods and droughts are
among the existing barometers indicating the level of environmental
resilience and carrying capacity. These parameters have been
overstretched, a signal that may spell doom sooner than later. While
the solution is still far from being over, this paper x-rays the
worsening climate change despite the adaption of biodegradable
materials in engineering applications. This paper discusses growing
concerns on degradation of materials in engineering application
thereby necessitating early replacement of materials as against their
life span. Part of the approach discussed in this paper is the reinvigoration of recycling of used plastic materials as a sustainable
reclamation option which tend to declines the global fossil fuel
required in the manufacture of neat plastic and reduces the waste
requiring disposal. This in a way, will save huge volume of fossil fuel
required in the production of new plastic materials.




How to Cite

Oludaisi Adekomaya. (2020). Contributing Impact of Climate Change on Sustainability of Bio-Degradable Material-Adaptation of Alternative Measures. NIPES - Journal of Science and Technology Research, 2(2).


