Comparative Analysis Between Lumen Method Calculation and Dialux Simulation for Electrical Lighting Design.


  • Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M.



This paper presents a comparative analysis between Lumen method

and Dialux simulation for lighting design for an office block. The

analysis is to determine which method gives the number of

luminaires which produces the recommended photometric

parameters by Illumination Engineering Society of North America

(IESNA) standards for an office. The number of luminaires required

for the office block was computed with Lumen method and Dialux

Evo 9.2 using Spectral MIREFA luminaires specifications. Results

was simulated on Dialux Evo 9.2 to determine the photometric

parameters; illumination, uniformity of illumination and Unified

Glare Rating (UGR). The Lumen method had one luminaire more

than the Dialux simulation. Results from the photometric analysis

showed that for a target value of 300lx, the Lumen Method achieved

a better perpendicular illuminance of 367lx, 347lx and 314lx against

213, 248 and 241 from Dialux. Also, the Lumen method achieved

better uniformity of illumination, having values of 0.034, 0.020 and

0.030 against 0.074, 0.002 and 0.024 gotten from Dialux design for

the small, medium and large offices respectively, though both results

were not up to the standard value recommended by IESNA as 0.4.

The UGR results for Lumen method had points with stronger glare

exceeding the standard of 19 set by IESNA, while Dialux had lower

glare, making it the better design in terms of glare rating. Overall

comparism shows that the Lumen method is better suited for lighting

design calculations using Spectral MIREFA and Philips RC540B

lighting fittings, while Dialux is suitable for lighting simulation and





How to Cite

Aikhoje P.T and Oriakhi O.M. (2022). Comparative Analysis Between Lumen Method Calculation and Dialux Simulation for Electrical Lighting Design. Journal of Energy Technology and Environment, 4(3).


