Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) TO Optimise the Heat Input During TIG Welding at Steady State Condition


  • Ikponmwosa-Eweka O. and Achebo, J.I.



This study examines an application of response surface
methodology to optimize heat input during TIG welding at stead
state condition. The parameters considered in this study are
welding current, welding voltage and welding speed. 100 pieces of
mild steel coupons measuring 80 x 40 x10 were used for the
experiment. The experiment was performed 20 times, using 5
specimens for each run and Argon was used as the shielding gas.
Tungsten inert gas machine was utilized in joining the weld
materials. The heat input was consequently determined for the
weldment using results gotten from experimental process as data.
RSM was used to optimize heat input from the input parameters
stated above. The numerical optimal solution produced welded
material having heat input of 3807.69KJ/MM with a welding speed
of 2.6mm/s, a current of 190Amp and voltage of 20.73 volt. RSM
model selected the quadratic model as the suitable model for the
heat input because it has a P value of < 0.05 as analyzed by analysis
of variance table




How to Cite

Ikponmwosa-Eweka O. and Achebo, J.I. (2023). Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) TO Optimise the Heat Input During TIG Welding at Steady State Condition. Journal of Energy Technology and Environment, 5(1).


